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Υear of Establishment: 2009

Address: 16, Papoula str., Aigaleo, P.C.: 122 44, Greece

Τel.: + 30 210 4400333

Web Site:



Welcome to the world of WEDOO, because as our name suggests, we do everything to showcase the unique character of each distinct brand through the most remarkable custom design aesthetics.

Since 2009, our team has been active in the field of marketing, comprised of strategists, designers, developers, and thinkers. Our services revolve around providing a 360° presentation of a brand based on the trends of tomorrow!

We specialize in:

  • Branding
  • Web development
  • Technical support
  • Digital marketing
  • Social media management

We Doooo it…!

Our team looks forward to meeting you at the 6th “VERDE.TEC Exhibition /

Invironmental Technologies 2024” to discuss and bring to life your imaginative ideas, not through magic or Voodoo, but solely with the know-how of WEDOO.

Do what you love, love what you do, and that’s what WEDOO!

Contact Person: Kostas Iliadis