Address: 143, Artakis str., Nea Smyrni,
P.C.: 171 24, Greece
Τel.: + 30 210 9323013
Web Site:
The company SDND BUSINESS, is based in Athens and is active in the supply of Waste Management Equipment / Separate Collection of Biowaste and Recyclable Materials / Electronic Systems for the PΑΥΤ program through IoT tecnologies, while also providing Public Information and Awareness Actions regarding Separate Collection and Composting practices.
Having established exclusive partnerships with specialized and certified production units, SDND BUSINESS as the exclusive commercial representative of EUROSINTEX S.p.A. and IBIPLAST S.r.l., provides integrated solutions for waste management equipment, in order to satisfy, rapidly and with attention to detail, the needs of public and private entities for the following products:
- Household plastic bins for separate waste collection at source, from 7lt to 50lt capacity.
- Plastic wheeled bins for the urban network 120lt – 240lt – 360lt – 660lt – 1100lt, equipped with RFID transponder for traceability and proper implementation of the “Pay As You Through” system.
- “Smart” equipment for urban network bins (Smart City), such as gravitational locks of automatic unlock/lock for optimal control over disposal and avoidance of improper impurities.
- Monitoring systems through IoT technologies to optimize collection, as well as fuel savings in garbage trucks.
- IDPOINT Recycling Corners for the collection of up to 6 different types of waste, with solar energy feed and online filling monitoring.
- Home garden composters of 310lt – 400lt – 600lt capacity with agitator, perforated base mesh, thermometer, enzyme activator and user manual.
- Compostable/Biodegradable organic waste collection bags, according to EN13432.
- Plastic bags made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), giving additional durability while delivering a smaller environmental footprint.
SDND BUSINESS holds a leading position in the Greek market, serves rapidly throughout the Greek territory, while exporting and distributing its products also throughout Cyprus.
Contact Person: Νιkolaos Stamatiou (Cell.: + 30 6979 976062)