of Establishment: 1997
Address: 18, Parodos Aristotelous., Patra, P.C.: 263 35, Greece
Τel.: +30 6937 086820
Web Site: www.eap.gr/education/set/
e-mail: doulos@eap.gr
The SCHOOL OF APPLIED ARTS AND SUSTAINABLE DESIGN is one of the four Schools of Hellenic Open University and focuses on providing knowledge and skills in the fields of sustainable design, environmental design, interior quality, visual and applied arts in combination with visual and digital technologies, lighting and acoustics.
The school has 3 Laboratories: Laboratory of Technology and Policy of Energy and Environment (https://latpee.eap.gr/), Lighting Design (https:// lightinglab.eap.gr/) and Multimedia Laboratory. They provide services with research field Development and Application of New Optical Technologies, Energy and Environment, Architectural Design and Bioclimatic Architecture with Digital Media, Environmental Design, Graphic Arts and Multimedia Technology, Acoustics, Lighting, Climate Impact Management, Chemical analysis of gases, liquids and solids.
The 9 study programs offered by the school are Film Studies: Screenplay, Filmmaking, and Research, Acoustic Design and Digital Sound, Environmental Design, Graphic Arts – Multimedia, Interaction Generative Design, Lighting Design, Protection of Cultural Heritage and Monuments of Nature from the Effects of Climate Change, Design of Visual Effects and Animation and Sustainable Interior Design of Buildings.
Contact Person: Labros Doulos